“For so work the honey-bees, creatures that by a rule in nature teach the act of order to a peopled kingdom.”– Shakespeare
CALL TODAY: 866.544.0074 or 818.448.2149

Our Bee Removal Services Come with Written Guarantees!
We will beat any licensed competitor’s price in writing.
Your satisfaction with our
bee removal service is guaranteed.
Beecatchers On Hom with Dean Sharp
Beecatchers On KFI AM 640
Los Angeles Metro Area Bee Removal Services You Can Count On
Family-owned and operated, Bee Catchers is one of the original Los Angeles based bee removal services companies, with an in-house biologist and over 50 years of combined experience. We offer inspection and immediate bee removal services throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area (Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, and Riverside Counties) seven days a week. In addition, we provide eco-friendly solutions for other pest problems.
Bees are responsible for pollinating and keeping our agricultural and ecological environments healthy and stable. They pollinate close to 80% of our food supply. Without bees to pollinate crops and other plants, scientists believe humans might be able to survive for only 4-5 years. No bees, no food, no people. That’s it! The facts are alarming, and we rely on bees to pollinate 91 of the 100 crops that provide 80% of most of the world’s food. Imagine no almonds, fewer apples and strawberries, less alfalfa to feed dairy cows, foods that are deformed with no nutritional value, and the list goes on.
So what do you do if bees invade your home, garden or business? Are you afraid of, or even allergic to bee stings? A knee-jerk reaction may be to call your local exterminator to eliminate the “problem.”
Stop! There’s a better way to deal with your bees. In the Los Angeles metropolitan area, our professional Bee Catchers are California State licensed, in uniform, and expertly trained at safe and humane bee removal. We also remove the honeycomb, if one has been built, to prevent further problems like mites, robber bees, vermin, ants, moths, and leaking of the honey through the structure. We perform full honeycomb removals along with repairs to roofs, stucco, drywall, fascia, siding, as well as other types of infrastructure.
Your unwanted bees are relocated to our sanctuary at the BeeQuilibrium Foundation non-profit 501(c)3, given at non-profit to beekeepers, orchards, farms, and apiaries where they will continue to do what they do best, pollinate plants, crops and produce delicious honey. Today, it is more important than ever to protect the bee population, especially since their overwhelming decline.

Get rid of Bees the right way
We understand bees can be scary creatures but it's important to be sure to get rid of them the correct way because of their importance to the environment. Click here to listen to Nicole on KFI AM 640 Home with Dean Sharp

Our 5 Year Bee Free Guarantee
If bees return to the same location,
call us and we will come back for free.

We bee-lieve in you!
Please bee-lieve in us. Help save the bees
and spread global awareness.

Have Questions?
We have an in-house biologist at bee catchers
that can answer any questions you have.