by beecatchers | Apr 27, 2019 | bee removal, Events
We understand bees can be scary creatures but it’s important to be sure to get rid of them the correct way because of their importance to the environment. Click here to listen to Nicole on KFI AM 640 Home with Dean... by beecatchers | Aug 8, 2011 | bee removal
Do You Have Bees or a Yellow Jacket Hive In Your Walls or Attic? Is That Buzzing You Hear in Your Walls a Sign That Bees Or Yellow Jackets Have Invaded? Bee Catchers Southern California Have bees taken up residence in the walls or attic of your house or business... by beecatchers | Jul 28, 2011 | bee removal
In the last article we wrote about Honeybees and how extremely crucial they are too human and plant survival. Included in the article was a brief description of what an active Honeybee hive consists of. For those who have not read the last article. Refer to…… Why... by beecatchers | Jul 22, 2011 | bee removal
Honeybees are one if not the most important insects alive. They are responsible for pollinating 80% of our fruits, vegetables, nuts, plants, grains, and most of the vegetation that grows in our forests and fields. Honeybees are most important when it comes to... by beecatchers | Jul 25, 2010 | bee removal
If you have found that you have an active beehive on or near your home or business, your first instinct may be to simply grab a can of bug killer and start spraying away, or perhaps to call an exterminator. There are, however several reasons why that is the last thing... by beecatchers | Jul 23, 2010 | bee removal
Mention the word ‘wasp,’ and an anxious audience is likely to look around uncomfortably, ready to swat at anything that moves. Most notably associated with the well known yellow jackets, wasps actually come in various different sizes, shapes, and colorings. Because of...
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