Do You Have Bees or a Yellow Jacket Hive In Your Walls or Attic?
Is That Buzzing You Hear in Your Walls a Sign That Bees Or Yellow Jackets Have Invaded?
Bee Catchers Southern California
Have bees taken up residence in the walls or attic of your house or business location? The incessant humming you hear might be a signal to take action, depending on whether it requires getting rid of bees, yellow jacket eradication, or another pest or problem not yet determined. Before you do anything definitive, it would be smart to decide precisely what, if anything, is in fact sharing your space.
First, of course, you have to be mindful of the target. Do you hear buzzing almost continually in a particular location or do you suspect an invasion because you see a bee flying aimlessly throughout the room? If it’s just one bee flying into windows, it probably just lost its way and got into your abode by accident.
However, if you see a single or several bees moving back and forth from a specific spot, the chances are you have a hive that needs to be addressed. The first course of action is to just watch it quietly and locate the gap through which it enters and exits. Since these spaces can be minuscule, a flashlight is a big help in finding the exact spot. Conversely, it is possible that you never see any critters flying about your space, but you do hear that tell tale humming that seems to be coming from the walls. Once the precise location is determined, do not start poking around; there’s a reason the phrase “don’t disturb a hornet’s nest” is a cliche. Getting rid of bees is always best left to professionals.
When pinpointing which insect you’re harboring, you can start by checking the season. Generally speaking, if it is fall or winter, you probably have honey bees since yellow jackets seldom spend the colder months inside walls in most regions of the country. An in depth look at the visitor is also in order. Honey bees are about 2/3 inch long, are covered with hairs and have a form of basket on their back legs in which they collect yellow or dark green balls of pollen. They vary in color from yellow to black and have black or brown stripes across the abdomen.
Yellow jackets, however, don’t have the same thick hairs or the pollen baskets. They are somewhat smaller than honey bees and sport alternating stripes of yellow and black. If they build a nest in your residence, it will be invisible and the only clue you will have is to see them flying into cracks or crevices from the outside of the house. The ground bee is a variety of yellow jacket that creates nests in holes in the ground. They are often painfully hostile if disturbed by oblivious pedestrians or lawn mowers.
No one wants to share living quarters with stinging insects, so whether you’ve been invaded by bees or yellow jackets, there are experts one can call. Removal requires far more than “killing” the offending creatures. Eco-friendly bee removers will take care to remove the complete hive, repair any damage the invaders may have caused, and in the case of honey bees, find a bee keeper to take in the hive, thus doing their part to sustain this essential species. Calling an eco-responsible bee catcher is the recommended solution to rid your home of annoying, potentially painful, possibly lethal insects.
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